The Power of Play - Work in Progress Show
💥The Power of Play💥
I’ll be showing some images at a work in progress show by @workshowgrow artists!
Join us for this weekend for a blast of creative energy!
Open Saturday & Sunday 3-4th June at @ascstudios The Old Court House, Kennington London.
Full line up of participating artists below!
Participating Artists:
Angela Crosti @angelacrosti_photography
Ania Ready @aniaready
Antonina Mamzenko. @mamzenko
Annelie Fawke @aaannnnnneeellliiieee
Arnhel de Serra @arnheldeserra
Billie farruggia. @billiejayphoto
Caitriona Dunnett. @caitrionadunnett
Canan (Ja’anan) Marasligil @cananmarasligil
Carli Adby-Notley @carliadbyphoto
Chiara Luxardo @chiaraluxardo
Elina Medley @elinamedley
Giorgia Tobiolo @giorgiatobiolo
Jasmine De Silva @jasmine_desilva
Julie Sleaford @julie_sleaford
Leah Band @leah_band_photography
Letizia Lopreiato @Letizia_lety_lopreiato
Louise Smith @lou_frances
Lu Mazen @lumazen
Lucy Saggers @LucySaggers
Madalina Androne madutza_andr
Megan Ringrose. @megan.ringrose
Michelle Long @_eva_shoots
Mills Jackson Rowe @millsjacksonrowe
Natasha Caruana @natasha.caruana
Nastja nefjodov @nnefjodov
Nathalie Audrain @nathalie_audrain
Orande Mensink @orande_photography
Patricia Kühfuss @patriciakuehfuss
Philippa James @philippajames
Phoebe Wingrove @Phoebewingrove
Quetzal Maucci @quetzalitaa
Sarah Capel @sarahcapelprinting
Seema Khalique @seemakhaliquephotos
Sophie Polyviou @foxtrotlightning
Stuart Leech @stuartleech
Thea Courtney @theacourtney
Tiffany Arntson @anenglishrogue
Tom Alexander @tomlxndr
Viola Bender @polychromaticglissando