The Power of Play - Work in Progress Show
💥The Power of Play💥
I’ll be showing some images at a work in progress show by @workshowgrow artists!
Join us for this weekend for a blast of creative energy!
Open Saturday & Sunday 3-4th June at @ascstudios The Old Court House, Kennington London.
Full line up of participating artists below!
MMXX images being installed at Power of Play Exhibition, thanks to Quetzal Maucci for the photo.
Participating Artists:
Angela Crosti @angelacrosti_photography
Ania Ready @aniaready
Antonina Mamzenko. @mamzenko
Annelie Fawke @aaannnnnneeellliiieee
Arnhel de Serra @arnheldeserra
Billie farruggia. @billiejayphoto
Caitriona Dunnett. @caitrionadunnett
Canan (Ja’anan) Marasligil @cananmarasligil
Carli Adby-Notley @carliadbyphoto
Chiara Luxardo @chiaraluxardo
Elina Medley @elinamedley
Giorgia Tobiolo @giorgiatobiolo
Jasmine De Silva @jasmine_desilva
Julie Sleaford @julie_sleaford
Leah Band @leah_band_photography
Letizia Lopreiato @Letizia_lety_lopreiato
Louise Smith @lou_frances
Lu Mazen @lumazen
Lucy Saggers @LucySaggers
Madalina Androne madutza_andr
Megan Ringrose. @megan.ringrose
Michelle Long @_eva_shoots
Mills Jackson Rowe @millsjacksonrowe
Natasha Caruana @natasha.caruana
Nastja nefjodov @nnefjodov
Nathalie Audrain @nathalie_audrain
Orande Mensink @orande_photography
Patricia Kühfuss @patriciakuehfuss
Philippa James @philippajames
Phoebe Wingrove @Phoebewingrove
Quetzal Maucci @quetzalitaa
Sarah Capel @sarahcapelprinting
Seema Khalique @seemakhaliquephotos
Sophie Polyviou @foxtrotlightning
Stuart Leech @stuartleech
Thea Courtney @theacourtney
Tiffany Arntson @anenglishrogue
Tom Alexander @tomlxndr
Viola Bender @polychromaticglissando